Rabbits on the wall and The Deer head in Nomis universe

This deer head is made by my lovely friend Marthe, she is the best doll-maker in Norway!


I have found many of my old pillows from the 70's. I love the mix of odd patterns and colors

This nice piece of Japanese paper was a gift from Petrine and Hanne (Babyramen:)
Nomi LOVES the pattern of rabbits, her favorite toy is Maracas-the rabbit.

Pink & Red

 I love the combination of pink & red in this room.
 Pic from vtwonen sept issue. The home of an Antwerpen family.


I am lucky to have a cool neighbor which is the head manager of Rafens in Oslo, she is originally from the Netherlands and she got a huge collection of interior magazines. I have borrowed some of them and got to know the fantastic magazines;
 Woonideeën and the VTWONEN-love them!

Ingunn Birkeland- Showcasing one of my favorite designer

Studio visit in Ingunn Birkelands universe of colors and beautiful dresses, art and shoes gave me a cick of inspiration! check out this brilliant norwegian designer!


RUNAWAY-performed by Kanye West

Inspiring from Kanye West’s Runaway 2010-

with set design by Vanessa Beecroft and costumes by Phillip Lim and Martin Izquierdo


After Work

Some really happy ladies...
 what a super fantastic night!
400 people, sunshine, champagne and Blood, Milk & Honey in KUNST4
Thanks to FineArt, ELLE decoration and all the contrributors to our faboluos goodiebags!
